How to pause or cancel a campaign in Gmail?

Mailmeteor lets you pause, resume, or cancel a campaign directly from your Gmail account. Here’s how it works.

How to pause a campaign in Gmail?

1. Sign in to your Gmail account.

2. Open the Campaigns tab.

3. Select the campaign you want to pause.

4. Click Open campaign.

5. Click the Pencil icon.

This will take you to the Mailmeteor Dashboard, a special place where you can manage all your email campaigns in just a few clicks. If you don’t already have an account, you may need to create one.

6. Hit the Actions button.

7. In the dropdown menu, select Pause sending.

8. To confirm, click Pause.

If your campaign contains follow-ups, please read the following section.

How to resume a campaign?

You can resume your campaign anytime. To do so, go to the Mailmeteor Dashboard > Campaigns. Open your campaign, then click Actions > Resume sending.

How to cancel a campaign in Gmail?

1. Open your campaign in Gmail.

2. Click the Pencil icon to open this campaign in the Mailmeteor Dashboard.

3. From there, click Actions.

4. Select Cancel campaign.

Canceling a campaign is permanent. You won’t be able to resume sending later if you change your mind. If you want to stop a campaign temporarily, use the Pause sending feature instead.

5. To confirm, click Cancel campaign one more time.

Canceling a campaign won’t recall the emails that were already sent during that campaign.

Last updated