How to create a signature for my email campaigns?

Create a signature that’s automatically added at the end of your emails.

Mailmeteor helps you create a professional email signature that will be automatically added to your outgoing emails. This provides a consistent and polished look to your email communications, making it easier to build your brand and maintain a professional image.

In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to create and enable your automatic signature.

Step 1: Accessing the Signature Settings

To get started, log in to your Mailmeteor Dashboard, then access your account "Settings". In the "Advanced" tab, you will find the "Signature" section. Click on it to create or edit your signature.

Step 2: Creating Your Signature

Once you're in the signature settings, you'll see a text editor where you can create your email signature. The editor allows you to add text, images, links, and format your signature to suit your preferences and brand identity.

Keep in mind that a good signature is typically concise, containing your name, job title, contact information, and any relevant links (e.g., your website or social media profiles).

Tips for a Professional Signature:

  • Use a professional font and color scheme that complements your brand.

  • Include your full name, job title, and company name.

  • Add your contact information, such as your phone number and email address.

  • Optionally, include links to your website or social media profiles.

Looking for some inspiration? Read on with our article showcasing the best email signatures examples for a great first impression.

Step 3: Save and Update

Once you are satisfied with your signature, click the "Save" button to apply the changes. Your automatic signature is now active and will be added to every email you send through Mailmeteor.

Video Tutorial

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I have multiple signatures for different email accounts?

Currently, the automatic signature feature applies to all email accounts associated with your Mailmeteor account. We are actively working on adding support for multiple signatures, which will be available in a future update.

Can I edit or update my signature after enabling it?

Absolutely! You can return to the signature settings at any time to make changes to your signature. Simply update the text and save your changes to apply the updated signature to future emails.

For ongoing campaigns, make sure to update the campaign directly.

Will the signature be added to follow-up emails?

When you create a campaign with follow-ups, you can add the email signature to your follow-up emails.

If you encounter any issues or have additional questions regarding the automatic signature feature, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. We are here to assist you!

Last updated