Getting started

Follow these simple steps to send emails from Excel, using Mailmeteor.

Mailmeteor for Excel is currently released to a limited set of beta testers. If you'd like to be informed when it will be officially released, feel free to fill out this form.

Let's see how you can send emails with Mailmeteor inside Excel:

  1. Install Mailmeteor for Excel.

  2. Create a new spreadsheet in Excel or open an existing one.

  3. Name your columns by adding text on the first row of your spreadsheet. Each column represents a piece of information about your contacts. In the example below, we've added 3 columns: firstname, email, company, and postscriptum.

You can add as many columns as you want and pick any column header name you want. The only thing to keep in mind is that headers must be placed on the first row (#1).

The data in each column can be used as a custom variable in your email. This means you can write a single email template and automatically transform it into a personalized message for each of your recipients.

Already have a mailing list under another format? You can easily import an existing contact list (CSV or another data source). To do so, go to File > Open in the Excel menu. Then select your file.

  1. Fill your spreadsheet with your contacts.

It's fine if you leave some cells blank. Except in the "email" column. In the example below, some recipients will get a Post Scriptum, and others won't.

  1. Now that your contact list is ready, you can open Mailmeteor by going to Home > Add-ins > Mailmeteor.

  1. Next, ensure that Mailmeteor selected the right email column (e.g. column B in the screenshot below). Optionaly, you can enter a sender name. This is how your recipients will receive your email. It could be your name (e.g. Neil Armstrong) or your company name (e.g. Nasa).

  1. Select your email template. This is the content of the email that you're recipient will receive (including the subject line, content and attachments). If you haven't created a template yet, you can select the "Create a new template" option. It will open the Mailmeteor Dashboard where you can compose emails and apply formatting, insert links, create bullet lists and so on.

Personalize your emails

To personalize your email with information from your spreadsheet, you can insert variables (aka merge fields) into your email, such as {{ variable }}. Once you send your campaign, each variable will be replaced with your spreadsheet data. All part of your email can be personalized, from subject to content. Please note your variables must match exactly the headers of your spreadsheet, including upper/lower cases. If there's a mismatch, the variable will be left blank inside the final email copy. For example, if row A1 in your Excel file is firstname, you should insert {{ firstname }} in your email. {{ Firstname }}, with a capital F won't work.

Going further with templates

You can design your template the way you want:

  1. Once you're ready, click "Send emails" to launch your campaign 🚀

Voilà! You've sent your first email campaign from Mailmeteor's add-in for Excel. Congrats 🎉

What's next?

  • Sending may take a few seconds to several minutes depending on how many recipients you have in your spreadsheet.

  • Check your campaign progress at any given time from the Mailmeteor Dashboard.

  • Did you make a mistake? You can cancel your campaign in just a few clicks from your Dashboard.

  • We recommend sending emails progressively with the Autopilot feature or by Scheduling your campaign.

  • Track your emails in real-time thanks to the tracking report to see who opened or clicked your emails.

Going further with Mailmeteor

Explore more features

Mailmeteor offers tons of features to make your sending experience delightful. Here are the most used options:

Some features are not yet available right from the Excel add-in, but you can still access them from the Mailmeteor Dashboard. Some features might require a paid plan, you can upgrade anytime from the pricing page.

Avoid spam & get better email results

When sending large email campaigns, it's easy to accidentally trigger spam filters or receive a high number of complaints or unsubscribes from your recipients. In the long run, this can negatively impact your account's reputation and lower your email deliverability.

Make sure to read our sending guidelines to learn how to properly structure your emails, avoid common spam triggers, and ensure that your emails are being sent to engaged and interested recipients.

Sending guidelines

Last updated