Email quota

Learn more about how many emails you can send each day with Mailmeteor.

How many emails can I send with Mailmeteor?

To prevent spam and protect your account, Google limits the number of emails you can send or receive per day:

  • Google Workspace accounts (formerly G Suite) can send up to 2,000 emails per 24 hours

  • Gmail consumer accounts ( can send up to 500 emails per 24 hours

Mailmeteor abides by these limits. So your daily email quota depends on (1) the type of Google account you have and (2) your Mailmeteor license:

Google Account TypeMailmeteor licenseEmail quota per 24h

Gmail consumer account (


50 emails

Gmail consumer account (

Premium, Pro or Business

500 emails

Google Workspace account


50 emails

Google Workspace account


500 emails

Google Workspace account


1,500 emails

Google Workspace account


2,000 emails

When your team has multiple accounts, each account has its own email quota. For example, if you have 10 users with a Business license, everyone in your team can send 2,000 emails and in total, your team can send 20,000 emails per 24 hours.

When does my email quota reset?

Your quota resets 24 hours after the latest campaign. If you send emails at 2PM on Monday, your quota will reset at 2PM on Tuesday.

Each time you send an email, we double-check your quota, and if you're trying to send more emails than you can, Mailmeteor warns you that your emails won't be sent. Read more about the Insufficient quota error.

We implemented this quota renewal because Google may reduce your sending capacity depending on the number of emails recently sent or the freshness of your account. By resetting your quota 24 hours after your latest campaign, we make sure that you're safe to send as many emails as possible 😇

How to upgrade your Mailmeteor quota?

With the free version of Mailmeteor, you can send up to 50 emails per day, which is a great start. Want to send more emails? You can upgrade your account any time you want.


How to upgrade to 2,000 emails per day?

When you upgrade your Mailmeteor account using an email address that ends with, you're limited to 500 emails per day.

That's because, as explained above, Gmail applies different limits for free and Google Workspace accounts.

If you want to send reach 2,000 emails/day, you'll need to purchase a Google Workspace account and use an email address that ends with your domain (e.g.

As soon as you've configured your Google Workspace account, our support team will switch your Mailmeteor license to the new account. Just let us know by contacting the support.

Need help?

Did you buy a Mailmeteor license, but your daily email quota did not increase? Or you've configured a Google Workspace account, but you're limited to 400 emails per day? Make sure to check our dedicated help section.

And if you're looking for an email solution that lets you send 10,000 emails a day? Unfortunately, that's not what Mailmeteor was built for. If you need to exceed the Google send limits, we recommend using a dedicated service such as This privacy-first tool works for transactional or marketing emails.

Last updated