How to create a template?

With Mailmeteor you can create highly-personalized, reusable templates to email multiple recipients at once and save time.

How to create a new email template

  1. In the left-side menu, go to Templates.

  1. From there, click New Template.

  1. Compose your message and add a subject line.

You can use the Mailmeteor editor toolbar to format your template, add an attachment, emojis, or images, and insert personalized variables. And if you need some inspiration, take a look at our library of 40+ ready-to-use templates.

  1. Once your template is ready, click Save Template.

Once you've saved your template, you can view, edit, or delete it from the Templates tab in the left-side menu.

How to use your template in a campaign

Now that you've got a handy template ready at your fingertips, it's time to make use of it. Here's how to email your template to multiple recipients.

  1. To create a campaign, go to Campaign.

  2. Click New campaign.

  1. From there, click the three vertical dots and select Insert a template.

  1. Select your template in the list.

  1. You can now edit your template, add your recipients, preview your emails, and send your campaign.

Video tutorial

If you prefer watching a video, here's a quick tutorial on how to use email templates in Mailmeteor:

Last updated